When creating a new PeopleSoft webserver domain, PTWEBSERVER is the user id set by default. In order to avoid issues this id should only be used for the webserver domain configuration. If the password for this user id gets changed it may cause the webserver to not boot up. If the PTWEBSERVER password ever needs to be changed, follow the below steps:
Change the online password for PTWEBSERVER:
This can be done by navigating to
- PeopleTools -> Security -> User Profiles
- Search and open the PTWEBSERVER user id and update the password.
Update the password in configuration.properties:
First the password needs to be encrypted:
This can be done with PSCipher script.
- Navigate to $PSHOME/webserv/piabin and run
PSCipher.sh <password>
Next update the configuration.properties file:
Copy the encrypted string to the line WebPassword=<encrypted string>
Restart the webserver for the changes to take effect.